Saturday, 27 September 2014

SELF IMAGE: Jesper Molin 'Somebody or Nobody'

Jesper Molin 'Somebody or Nobody'

Jesper Molin studied photography and art at the photography school in Gothenburg. He creates photographs with reflection, light and expression. The Swedish photographer said 'As long as the expression creates a feeling it creates art.'
In the picture below Jesper took one photo from the front and then played with it to make it perfectly symmetrical on both sides. It resulted in him having two pictures, one of two right sides and one of two left sides, making two completely different pictures of the same person. I think this type of art symbolizes the fact that nobody is perfect or symmetrical and that each person has two sides to them weather it be ugly/nice/broad/narrow.

Jesper Molin example

I made my own 'Molin' style photographs of both my left and right sides using Photoshop. I used techniques such as duplicating layers, removing the colour and flipping horizontally to create two separate pictures.

My Jesper Molin (right side)

My Jesper Molin (left side)

This is another Jesper Molin edit that I tried for the 'self image' project. I feel that this is a successful piece because I have taken a famous face (Beyoncé) and turned it into something almost unrecognisable. This is very effective in getting the 'somebody or nobody' message across because it shows how even someone that is idolised by a huge proportion of the western population, it doesn't correspond with the way we measure beauty. It could also suggest how we are expected to be consistent throughout by not having a 'split personality' but this project shows how have all different personality trates which makes up who we are and that perfection doesn't always come from being physically symmetrical.